- Was Federal Ruling Good for Family Planning Providers? – Thanh Tan, Texas Tribune
State Sen. Robert Deuell, R-Greenville, said there is a quick solution to this entire debate. “The problem could be solved tomorrow if Planned Parenthood just renounces abortions and just does family planning and comprehensive care, which they’re capable of,” he said. “Then we could provide a lot of family planning, and there wouldn’t be abortions and this problem would go away.”
It really is that simple. But don’t look for Big Abortion to take up Sen. Deuell’s solution.
- In Austin, attorney general defends Voting Rights Act – Dave Montgomery, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder vowed Tuesday to aggressively uphold the principles of the Voting Rights Act and charged that a Texas redistricting plan would create “precisely the kind of discrimination” that the 46-year-old landmark statute was designed to prevent.
Translation of political hack Holder’s statement: This archaic law is important to those of us in the federal government who are in favor of limiting self-government in the several states.
The problem with such far-reaching, federalism-altering legislation is that it NEVER goes away, despite having outlived its original purpose. Some federal legislation really could stand sunsetting.
- D.C. court sets preclearance trial – Tim Eaton, Postcards
- First Reading: Could Craig James be a serious candidate for the U.S. Senate? – Jason Embry, First Reading
No. On the other hand, getting crushed in a political race might help downsize the guy’s XXL ego, so that’s a plus. - Can David Dewhurst hold off Ted Cruz and Tom Leppert in Senate primary? – Gary Scharrer, Texas on the Potomac/Chron.com
- Remember When Higher Education Used To Be About Education? – Dustin Matocha, Empower Texans
- Kel Seliger, establishment R, pt. 1 – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports
- Kel Seliger, establishment R, pt. 2 – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports