Top Stories
- GOP Primary: Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13% – Rasmussen Reports
- Let the Perry Hatred Begin – Rich Lowry, National Review Online
- MSNBC's Ed Schultz slanders Governor Perry – The Jersey-Texan
- Reporters Wear Out Their Fainting Couches On Rick Perry's First Full Campaign Day – Mollie Hemingway,
- Four More Texas Abortion Practitioners Face Investigations – Steven Ertelt,
- John Cornyn demands to know why Fast and Furious supervisors got promotions – Rick Dunham, Texas on the Potomac
- Ascension – bad scenario #2 – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports
- Perry's Red-Hot Bernanke Slam: A Much Needed Defense of the Dollar – Larry Kudlow, RealClearPolitics
No, Ben Bernanke is not a traitor. This is a policy dispute; it’s not a matter of patriotism. However, and this is an important however, the rest of Perry’s statement suggests that his analysis of Fed policy is right on target. In other words, wrong words, right analysis.
The Texas governor, who by some polls is the new Republican presidential frontrunner, went on to say, “We’ve already tried this. All it’s going to be doing is devaluing the dollar in your pocket. And we cannot afford that.”
Well, to me that is exactly right.
The journos who don’t know much about economics will, of course, stick with their strengths and focus on the more gossipy items.
- Levin: Nothing wrong with Perry’s statement about Bernanke – The Right Scoop
- No retreat by Perry in war of words – Rick Dunham, San Antonio Express-News
- Fact Checking on Rick Perry and Texas Medicaid Costs – Ben Domenech, Reform Medicaid
- Perry Looks to Break the Mold in N.H. – Jim O'Sullivan,
- Perry and the Stimulus: It's Complicated – Ross Ramsey, Texas Tribune
Memo to political headline writers everywhere: “It’s complicated” was always a bad headline choice, and now the meme has run its course. Please try harder to write a decent headline moving forward. Thanks! -Icon Eds - Karl Rove: The Texas Miracle predated Perry. Can you say Bush? – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
One of our editors was so delighted that Slater had apparently found new inspiration after years of obsessing over Karl Rove, but it appears Slater has suffered a relapse. - Perry's change not for better – Lisa Falkenberg, Houston Chronicle
I had just written a column the headline writers titled “Perry’s act as crafted as his hair,” when Austin communications consultant Pete McRae sent me his essay about the first time he saw Rick Perry, in January of 1985.
As noted by commenter Matt Bramanti, the Chronicle‘s junior political columnist leads her column with a tale from a convicted felon who used his state job to try to (illegally) boost his boss, incumbent ag commissioner Jim Hightower, in his race against none other than…. Rick Perry! None of that background makes it into the junior columnist’s latest screed.