Top Stories
- Fewer people move to new states, but Texas is still their top choice – Steve Campbell, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
- Big-gun lawyers handle Texas Windstorm Insurance Association's transparency questions; two firms raked in $545K in the past year – Steve Miller, Texas Watchdog
- Lawmakers' error omits Texas license plate fines. Will Weissert, Houston Chronicle
- Texas Senate race update. David Jennings, Big Jolly Politics
- UT student Republican leader calls Obama assassination ‘tempting’ – Laura Weisman, Newswatch/
Disgraceful. - Occupy Dallas Protestor Accused of Assaulting Cop Now Accused of Punching a Fellow Occupier – Robert Wilonsky, Unfair Park
- Leander, Cedar Park not running out of water, despite state warning – Benjamin Wermund, Austin American-Statesman
- Last gasp: Killeen council members recalled by voters to consider repealing rule on developers – Steve Miller, Texas Watchdog
- F1 Racing in Texas Crashes and Burns – The Right Side of Austin
- Perry town hall guests asked to prove citizenship – Steve Peoples, Houston Chronicle
- Rick Perry Challenges Pelosi to a Debate – Danny Yadron, Washington Wire/
- The real reason why Perry wouldn’t debate Bill White? – Lisa Falkenberg, Houston Chronicle
Poor, bitter Bill White — the smartest guy in the room, and he still couldn’t beat the dumb guy from Paint Creek. He really needs to get over it and move on to whatever is next in his life. - First Reading: Teachers say working conditions getting worse – Jason Embry, First Reading
Just as a reminder, legislators put $4 billion less into public-education formulas than the system was owed under the law, plus they made more than $1 billion in cuts to grants that paid for pre-K, teacher merit pay and other programs.
Embry attempts to recast the lockstep Texas political media’s favorite lie without conceding that the lege budgeted slightly MORE for education than the previous lege.
- Speaker calls on liberal emailer for help – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports
- Pay to play Polland outed – Daniel Greer, AgendaWise Reports