Top Stories
- Texas' Personal Income Growth Over the Last 5 Years Was 66% Faster than US – Texanomics
- Perry Is Right—There Is a Texas Model for Fixing Social Security – Merrill Matthews,
Yes, but he needs to be able to make the case coherently. - Rick Perry Is Right on In-State Tuition for Immigrants in Texas – Brad Jackson, RedState
Perhaps, but see above. - Senatorial Shift – Michael Quinn Sullivan, Empower Texans
- State lawmakers find clever ways to boost their pensions — like the Texas trick of tying legislator pensions to judges’ salaries – Steve Miller, Texas Watchdog
- A Year After the Moratorium, Deepwater Drilling Permits Remain Scarce – Andrew Schneider, KUHF News
- Anticipating Budget Cuts, State Agencies Shrink – Becca Aaronson, Texas Tribune
Texas Education Agency: “A lot of districts that had announced they’d have to lay off staff have actually rehired most of those employees.”
In other words, they tried to influence the political debate in a misleading/deceitful manner.
- The Ups and Downs of School District Taxes – Williamson County Conservative
- Texas Monthly’s Mimi Swartz talks about 'corruption' in Houston ISD – Mike Cronin, Texas Watchdog
- Dewhurst: I'll serve in Senate, won't support immigrants tuition law – Brad Watson,
- Case over censored prayer mediated; Taxpayers stuck again – Tom Bazan, Boondoggles
- North Texas Tea Party group ranks Garnet Coleman best, Dan Patrick no impact – David Jennings, Big Jolly Politics
- Former last meal cook wants practice continued – Michael Graczyk, AP
- 18 new Texas license plate designs are unveiled – Gordon Dickson, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Perry for Prez
- Inside Team Perry: How do we right the ship? – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
This is simple enough even for most Texas political journos: Gov. Perry must be able to communicate effectively in a debate format, and the campaign must focus on nuts and bolts (fundraising) until the next debate. Otherwise… - Blood and irony – Paul Burka, BurkaBlog
Does anybody else find it ironic that Perry is faltering because of the rare good deeds that he has done, such as the Dream Act and the HPV mandate?
Silly lede. Perry has faltered because he was a disaster in the last debate, and not much better in prior efforts. He obviously needs to up his communications game (if he can). He has a compelling story to share with voters, but he doesn’t deserve to be the nominee if he proves incapable of telling it.
- Santorum's Ill-Advised Border War – Kevin Williamson, National Review Online
- Perry and the Illegals – Kevin Williamson, National Review Online