Top Stories
- DPS to streamline driver's licensing with megacenters – Mike Ward, Austin American-Statesman
“Anything that will make this horrible process better is good,” said Amy Hale, an Austin waitress who, on a recent afternoon, waited for an hour with her two children at the DPS office at 5805 N. Lamar Blvd. to renew her license.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
- Todd Staples: The TT Interview – Kate Galbraith, Texas Tribune
- Forget Irene: The drought in Texas is the catastrophe that could really hurt – Hilary Hylton, Time
- Cornyn Says EPA's New Rule Too Burdensome For Texas Power Grid – Carrie Feibel, KUHF News
- Judge strikes down key parts of Texas sonogram law – Jim Vertuno, AP
- Perry's Anti-Abortion Stance Has Grown More Insistent – Emily Ramshaw, Texas Tribune
The babies would surely thank him for their support (if they could). - Houston National Cemetery in Prayer Dispute – James Dao,
- Longtime Perry target fires back at governor – Richard Dunham, San Antonio Express-News
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday that Texas Gov. Rick Perry should ask Congress, and not the Obama administration, for money to cover the cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants and sending additional National Guard troops to the Texas-Mexico border.
The Obama Administration never seems to have solutions to problems — just excuses and blame for others.
- Embattled ATF Interim Director Reassigned – Julian Aguilar, Texas Tribune
It’s nice to see Texas political media finally taking an interest in this story. - Patricia Kilday Hart’s oppo-reporting – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports
- Fear and loathing on the young campaign trail: Rove and Atwater buddy movie – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
Nobody covers Karl Rove like the DMN’s obsessive Wayne Slater! - Science getting settled – Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post
Some more climate reading for the state’s lockstep political media. - Perry brushes aside "dumb" accusations – Tom Benning, Trail Blazers Blog
- Rick Perry Is A Lot Closer To The 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination Than You Think – John Ellis, Business Insider
- Why Perry Can Beat Obama and Romney Can't – David Catron, TAS
- Perry panic fires up the left – Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman, Politico