Top Stories
- North Texas school administrators lampoon Rick Perry for funding cuts – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
United Educators Association executive director Larry Shaw put it this way: “Our schools just got cut by $4 billion, and the governor just left town.”
The public education budget actually increased slightly, but don’t expect PolitiFarce-style debunking of the $4 billion myth from the state’s lockstep political media.
- PolitiFact Proves Yet Again It Is a Left Wing Attack Machine With Nonpartisan Veneer – Erick Erickson, RedState
- Another Houston Chronicle Illegal Alien Sob Story – Rhymes with Right
- New Texas laws take effect Thursday – Kelley Shannon, Houston Chronicle
If you’ve been following the Texas Tribune daily accounts, you already know the state is also coming to an end as a result. - Rick Perry: The God-Fearing, Know-Nothing, Pistol-Packing Embodiment Of Liberals’ Worst Nightmares – Walter Shapiro, The New Republic
- Sen. Ogden bemoans conservative accountability – Vimal Patel,
- The guy the sharks fear – New York Post
- Perry Delivers on Texas Death Penalty – Debra Saunders, Real Clear Politics
- Could this be Obama's first TV ad against Perry? You know, that guy's dangerous! – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
- Rick Perry wields Twitter influence, but so do many other candidates – Theodore Kim, Trail Blazers Blog
- Left And Right Going Nuclear On Rick Perry – Douglas MacKinnon, IBD
- Perry vs. Romney? Go with Perry – Deroy Murdock, National Review Online
- President Rick Perry? – David Brooks,
The man who sounds so right wing today was the Texas chairman of the Al Gore for President campaign in 1988.
No, he wasn’t.
- Bill Burton: Rick Perry 'dangerous,' potentially 'devastating' for America – Alexander Burns,
- Email purges, withheld documents shroud Governor's Office from scrutiny – Patricia Kilday Hart,
Translation: I’m going to try and create an issue out of the fact the Perry team won’t spoon-feed me the information I’d like.