Top Stories
- Scary Perry – David Bass, TAS
Gov. Perry’s been refreshingly consistent constitutionally on both gay marriage and abortion. We’re not sure why this would confuse anyone. - Perry Says Default Fears Are Overblown – Jay Root, Texas Tribune
- Perry says he's still isn't sure of role at Houston prayer rally – Joe Holley, San Antonio Express-News
- Aaron Peña, lengthy campaigns lie between Dem hopefuls and Austin – Jared Janes, The Monitor
- UT provost claim inaccurate – Rick O'Donnell, San Antonio Express-News
- Rolling Back the Nanny State, one red-light camera at a time – Jonathan Last, Weekly Standard
The experiences of College Station (success) and Houston (failure) are mentioned. - Should we vote for the water bonds? – Paul Burka, BurkaBlog
[Rick Perry] is as clever a politician as Texas has ever had, but he is not a leader, not if it means raising revenue.
The ongoing practice of veteran political journalists in a conservative state equating tax increases with leadership is bizarre.
- A Texas jobs miracle? It's complicated – Becca Aaronson, Texas Tribune
It’s really not that complicated — as the Tribune’s original headline put it before it changed — except perhaps to critics of limited government (like the Center for Public Policy Priorities) and some journos who seem determined to downplay Texas’ economic success. - Schools shouldn't be painted as winners in budget debate – Jason Embry, Austin American-Statesman
In which Jason Embry defends the practice of the state’s lockstep political media calling a small net increase in public education spending a $4B cut (no “it’s complicated” headlines in this case, just widespread assertions about $4B cuts, frequently with alarmist verbs like “slash”). - For tea party, Perry could be a game changer, or not – Todd Gillman, Trail Blazers Blog
Such definitive analysis! - The immunity of light-rail to fiscal reality – Jordan Brownwood, Texas Budget Source
- Are budget cuts to blame for increased tuition? – Jordan Brownwood, Texas Budget Source
- “Are you in” Texas? – Daniel Greer, AgendaWise Reports
- DMN assists EPA assault on Texas jobs – Weston Hicks, AgendaWise Reports