Top Stories
- Texas wins in U.S. economy shift – Dennis Cauchon, USA Today
- From 'chosen' to 'chumps': Texas exposes the flaws of Barack and LeBron – Wayne Allyn Root, Washington Times
- Focus shifts to Texas in bad year for wildfires – Karen Brooks, Reuters
Rick Perry for President?
- A "Perry" good 2012 chance – Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, New York Post
Texas politics, while fierce, is not really about vetting — the news media isn’t good enough.
- Five Points in Perry’s Favor – Kevin D. Williamson, NRO
- The “You’re Hired” Gun – John Heilemann, New York Mag
- The Rise of Uncompassionate Conservatism – Rich Lowry, NRO
- Rick Perry for President? Why the heck not? – David Jennings, Big Jolly Politics
- Blue State Schools: The Shame of a Nation – Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest
Three of the nation’s ten best public high schools are in Texas — the no-income tax, right-to-work state that blue model defenders like to characterize as America at its worst.
- Insider journalists get honest post-session – Daniel Greer, AgendaWise Reports
- The TSA “anti-groping” bill – Paul Burka, BurkaBlog
It’s hard to entertain a serious discussion of this bill. It is hard to contemplate that 112 members of the House would sign on to this bill as co-sponsors. I’m almost at a loss for words, except that by now we ought to be used to the idea that this is the worst legislature that the Capitol has seen in forty years….
The poor Texas political media. They’ve scarcely been able to conceal their contempt for the conservative flavor of these legislative sessions, although they’ve usually been more guarded than this. Someone should send them a Pick-Me-Up bouquet when it’s all done!
- 'Rick Perry: Don't Touch My Junk' – Grits for Breakfast
- For Economic Development, Texas Should Stick with What Works – Bill Peacock, NRO
- New Congressional District Map Sent To Gov. Perry – AP