Top Stories
- Rick Perry’s Moment – Matt Mackowiak, National Review
- Video: Perino, Trippi Size Up Perry Candidacy – Texas Tribune
- House Republicans move to kill rainy day fund amendment – Terrence Stutz, Trail Blazers Blog
- TWIA on the ropes – Jordan Brownwood, Texas Budget Source
- Some School Districts Look For Their Next "Fix" – Dustin Matocha, Empower Texans
- Self Congratulations, Paid For By Lobbyists – Michael Quinn Sulilvan, Empower Texans
- Hutchison unveils plan to save Social Security: raise retirement age and slow COLAs – Tristan Hallman, Trail Blazers Blog
Baby steps are better than none, we suppose. - Critics raise doubts over ‘sanctuary cities’ bill – Peggy Fikac and Susan Carroll, Houston Chronicle
It’s odd that the Chronicle mentions the Houston police chief is opposed, but neglects to mention the Houston Police Officers’ Union supports the legislation. - Missing the point – Cory Crow, Texas Iconoclast
- Weekly TribCast Episode 84 – The Texas Tribune
If you listen to this, you will hear the Democratic talking points about the sanctuary cities bill repeated ad nauseum as fact. In reality, we have little empirical evidence whether local police agency policies to ignore immigration law somehow are a net positive for law enforcement. - Texans like Perry, but not for president – Wayne Slater, Trail Blazers Blog
The headline is indicative of what has been overly simplistic interpretation of some slightly odd poll results. - Poll: On job approval, Obama beats Texas Lege and Perry surpasses both – Peggy Fikac, Chron Texas Politics
See above. - The Blended-Learning Movement is Growing Fast – Jeff Sandefer, Transforming Education.